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-  Tackle climate change
-  Take a bath
-  Take a breath of fresh air
-  Take a breath test
-  Take a child to school
-  Take a child to the doctor
-  Take a decision
-  Take a dim view of something
-  Take a great leap forward
-  Take a limited view of things
-  Take a penalty kick
-  Take a shower
-  Take a step forward
-  Take a walk in the rain
-  Take action
-  Take advantage of a woman
-  Take an aspirin
-  Take an umbrella just in case!
-  Take attendance
-  Take by storm
-  Take care of...
-  Take care of an old sheepdog
-  Take care of someone
-  Take care of something
-  Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
-  Take cash
-  Take command of...
-  Take control
-  Take extenuating circumstances into account
-  Take five
-  Take flight
-  Take flight in a flurry of feathers
-  Take French leave
-  Take fresh heart
-  Take good care of yourself!
-  Take honours...
-  Take honours English
-  Take it easy
-  Take it in turns to do something
-  Take it into one's head to do something
-  Take it on board in one's reflections
-  Take it or leave it
-  Take it out on someone
-  Take it to her!
-  Take it to him!
-  Take it to it!
-  Take it to me!
-  Take liberties with someone
-  Take no notice of someone
-  Take notice of someone
-  Take off
-  Take on someone who is more than one's match
-  Take one week off at Christmas
-  Take one's courage in both hands
-  Take one's leave
-  Take one's leave of someone
-  Take one's mind off things
-  Take one's own life
-  Take one's vows
-  Take out a patent for something
-  Take out an insurance
-  Take out an insurance policy
-  Take out an insurance against something
-  Take out insurance
-  Take out insurance against something
-  Take out life insurance
-  Take part in a beauty contest
-  Take part in a boxing match
-  Take part in a wrestling match
-  Take pleasure in doing something
-  Take pleasure in something
-  Take responsibility for oneself
-  Take shape
-  Take singing lessons
-  Take size 38 in shoes
-  Take someone as a model
-  Take someone down a peg
-  Take someone down a peg or two
-  Take someone hostage
-  Take someone into account
-  Take someone on one's lap
-  Take someone to court
-  Take someone to task
-  Take someone under one's wing
-  Take someone's remarks at face value
-  Take something at face value
-  Take something for granted
-  Take something into account
-  Take something into consideration
-  Take something literally
-  Take something with a pinch of salt
-  Take stock of a situation
-  Take stock of the situation
-  Take the bread out of someone's mouth
-  Take the bull by the horns
-  Take the decision to do something
-  Take the easy way out
-  Take the law into one's hands
-  Take the lead over someone
-  Take the liberty of doing something
-  take the most prestigious route into somewhere
-  Take the opposite course...
-  Take the opposite view...
-  Take the rap
-  Take the track below
-  Take the waters
-  Take things to heart
-  Take to its heels
-  Take too many medicines
-  Take too much for granted
-  Take up all someone's time and energy
-  Take up arms
-  Take up one's posting
-  Take up the torch
-  talk
-  Talk about something
-  Talk about this and that
-  Talk all the time
-  Talk dirty
-  Talk nonsense
-  Talk of the devil...
-  Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear
-  Talk of the devil, and he will appear
-  Talk politics
-  talk some sense into someone
-  Talk through one's hat
-  Talk through one's nose
-  Talk too fast
-  Talk turkey
-  Tall oaks from little acorns grow
-  Tan easily
-  Tap away on a keyboard
-  Tap someone's phone
-  Tap-dance
-  Taste funny
-  Teach someone something
-  Teach someone to do something
-  Teach something to someone
-  Tear a muscle
-  Tear each other's hair out
-  Tear one's hair out
-  Tear someone away from...
-  Technology has taken a great leap forward
-  Tell a lie to get at the truth
-  Tell fortune
-  Tell lies
-  Tell someone a news
-  Tell someone a secret
-  Tell someone something
-  Tell someone that...
-  Tell someone's fortune
-  Tell the whole neighbourhood
-  Tend to indulge
-  Tense
-  Tense up
-  Testify that...
-  Thank goodness!
-  Thank someone from the bottom of one's heart
-  Thanking you in advance
-  Thanks in anticipation!
-  Thanks to...
-  That building is further down the street
-  That calls for a drink!
-  That constitutes an offence
-  that costs 100 euros
-  That could set off the powder keg
-  That decision was taken...
-  that depends
-  That does not matter!
-  That doesn't get anybody anywhere
-  That doesn't get us any further!
-  That doesn't make sense
-  That event has left its stamp on her mind
-  That event has left its stamp on his mind
-  That event is engraved in my memory
-  That experience has left its mark on her
-  That experience has left its mark on him
-  That gave me plenty of food for thought
-  That has nothing to do with it!
-  That is a dig at me
-  That is a load off my mind
-  That is all good and well, but...
-  That is all there is to it
-  That is going a bit far!
-  That is just like her!
-  That is just like him!
-  That is more than enough!
-  That is neither fish nor fowl
-  That is neither here nor there!
-  That is not my area
-  That is the height of absurdity!
-  That is the last straw
-  That is the only fly in the ointment
-  That is the straw that breaks the camel's back
-  That is the way it goes
-  That is very kind of you
-  that is what sells!
-  That it's your fault!
-  that kind of music puts me to sleep
-  that kind of music sends me to sleep
-  that makes 14 althogether
-  That makes a change!
-  That makes you look different!
-  That may put a spanner in the works
-  That may upset the applecart
-  That packs a punch!
-  That said...
-  That seems old hat to me
-  That set me thinking
-  That takes some doing!
-  That takes the biscuit!
-  That takes the cake!
-  That tops it all!
-  That was a great hue and cry
-  That was a great outcry
-  That was when she realized
-  That went over my head
-  That will be the day!
-  That will bring you back down to earth!
-  That will cook her goose
-  That will cost you €50 at the most!
-  That will give you a good idea of what...
-  That will give you an idea of what...
-  That will go down in history!
-  That will keep the wolf from the door
-  That will make him sit up and take notice
-  That will put you back on your feet again!
-  That will teach her a lesson!
-  That will teach her a thing or two!
-  That will teach him a lesson!
-  That will teach him a thing or two!
-  That won't cut any ice with him
-  that's 100 euros
-  That's a bargain!
-  That's a bit much!
-  That's a deal!
-  That's a good one!
-  That's a good start!
-  That's a horse of a different colour
-  That's a problem I had not thought of!
-  That's a turnup for the book
-  That's an exaggeration!
-  That's another kettle of fish
-  That's another problem!
-  That's cutting things a bit fine!
-  That's enough!
-  That's enough talk!
-  That's half the battle
-  That's him all over!
-  That's how it's done
-  That's how we see it
-  That's it!
-  That's just the way it is!
-  That's more like it!
-  That's much better!
-  That's my pet hate!
-  That's nonsense!
-  That's not a bad idea!
-  That's not part of my remit
-  That's one for the books
-  That's one thing out of the way!
-  That's perfect timing!
-  That's quite a distance!
-  That's right!
-  That's settled then!
-  That's something at least!
-  That's the clever part!
-  That's the least of my worries
-  That's the main thing!
-  That's the right amount!
-  That's the right number!
-  That's the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question!
-  That's the stuff!
-  That's the way the cookie crumbles!
-  That's the way to go!
-  That's useful to know!
-  That's where the shoe pinches
-  That's your funeral!
-  That's your problem!
-  The 1st class compartments...
-  The 2nd class compartments...
-  The acquisition of intellectual abilities...
-  The affidavit drawn up by the bailiff...
-  The air comes in through...
-  The Andes cordillera...
-  The annual period of paid holidays...
-  The annual period of paid leave...
-  The annual period of paid vacation...
-  The apple never falls far from the tree
-  The artist who painted this picture...
-  The ball is in!
-  The ball is in your court
-  The barometer is set fair!
-  The basis of the agreement...
-  The beneficial effects of a course of treatment...
-  The best is often the enemy of the good
-  The best-before date is...
-  The bird is flapping its wings
-  the bitch has had puppies
-  The boot is on the other foot
-  The boss sent for him
-  The brood is playing in the garden
-  The bus does not connect with the train
-  The bus is five minutes early!
-  the business world
-  The canned food industry...
-  The change in temperature...
-  The children had a great time!
-  The Chinese...
-  The city's trouble spots...
-  The civil code...
-  The clothing industry...
-  The colours don't fade
-  The comforter's head never aches
-  The company is being restructured which will mean redudancies
-  The compositions for a string quartet...
-  The consumer society...
-  The continuous growth of their turnover...
-  The cost of the operation is over one million
-  The cost of the operation is well over one million
-  The Council of Europe...
-  The Council of Ministers...
-  The cowl does not make the monk
-  The crème de la crème
-  the current month
-  The darkest hour is just before dawn
-  The day after my arrival...
-  The day is near when...
-  The death toll has risen again
-  The decision of the disciplinary committee...
-  The delicatessen is right on the corner
-  The demonstration went peacefully
-  The devil finds work for idle hands
-  The dice are loaded
-  The die is cast
-  The doctor listened to my chest
-  The drawer is stuck!
-  The dying words of a condemned man...
-  The early bird catches the worm
-  The earthen pot must keep clear of the brass kettle
-  the economic community is divided over this issue
-  The economy is doing better!
-  The end is in sight!
-  The ends justify the means
-  The engine is pinking
-  The English countryside...
-  The enquiry's findings...
-  The estimated popularity rating...
-  The evening crowns the day
-  The exception proves the rule
-  The exchange rate is favorable!
-  The exchange rate is favourable!
-  The failure is due to a loose connection
-  The fighting goes on!
-  The film lasts half an hour
-  The film only lasts half an hour
-  the fireplace consumes a cubic meter of wood every month
-  the fireplace eats up a cubic meter of wood every month
-  the fireplace gets through a cubic meter of wood every month
-  The fireplace gives out a lot of heat!
-  The first to arrive...
-  The flight of capital...
-  The florist is just this side of the bakery
-  the flower has already soaked up all the water!
-  The fog is thick like peasoup
-  The following week...
-  the 'for sale' sign can be easily seen from the road
-  The French overseas territories...
-  The French Riviera...
-  The game is not worth the candle
-  The game is up
-  The good guys and the bad guys
-  The good intention excuses the bad action
-  The good is the enemy of the best
-  The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
-  The grocer below...
-  The Head of State is assisted by...
-  The hearth gives out a lot of heat!
-  The heat is on!
-  The hoaxer...
-  The hood does not make the monk
-  The horned viper...
-  The hot weather...
-  The human genetic code...
-  The husband and wife...
-  The installation of a gas main...
-  The installation of a shareware...
-  The installation of a water main...
-  The ivy goes up to the roof!
-  The jig is up!
-  The junior colleges...
-  The kettle calls the pot burnt-arse
-  The knowledge of mathematics is the prerequisite for...
-  The latest manifestation of something...
-  the leaves fell wide
-  The leopard cannot change its spots
-  The letter was sent from one department to another
-  The light blue color...
-  The light ray strikes a photoelectric cell
-  The local authorities...
-  The local people...
-  The lower middle-class families...
-  The lure of gain
-  The machine swallowed up my credit card
-  The man in the black jacket
-  the manufacturer is responsible for the damage
-  The maples trees are deciduous trees
-  The markets for consumer goods...
-  The matter is closed!
-  The meal was a bit on the skimpy side
-  The meeting is over!
-  The members of the board of directors...
-  The middle classes...
-  The military arm of the organization...
-  The milometer of a vehicle
-  The more, the merrier
-  The negotiation has come to nothing
-  The news is given out in dribs and drabs
-  the next-door neighbours
-  The noise is coming from downstairs
-  The number of unemployed...
-  The number you have dialled has changed
-  The odometer of a vehicle
-  The office will be closed...
-  The one I told you about
-  The ones I told you about
-  The origin of the cosmos...
-  The other day...
-  The other one...
-  The other two...
-  the other way
-  The others...
-  The party is in full swing
-  The path is bordered with flowers
-  The penny's dropped!
-  The people behind the murder...
-  The People's Republic of China...
-  The period from 10 January to 20 March
-  The person I lived with...
-  The place was bursting at the seams!
-  The plan has finally come to fruition!
-  The plan was favourably received
-  The plane that operates between...
-  The play is a drama
-  The point of maternity leave...
-  The police breathalysed me
-  The political arm of the organization...
-  The pork butcher is right on the corner
-  The pork butcher's shop is right on the corner
-  The post office is at the far end of the street
-  The post office is just before my house
-  The power of self-control
-  The preserves industry...
-  The previous week...
-  The price is expected to be between €50 and 60 per square meter
-  The profession of notary's clerk...
-  The proof of the pudding is in the eating
-  The rain is coming down in sheets!
-  The rapport they have...
-  the reason
-  the reason for this
-  the reason that
-  the reason why
-  The relaxing of...
-  The relaxing of monetary policy...
-  The rent does not include heating
-  The report...
-  the road to follow
-  The road to Hell is paved with good intentions
-  the road to success
-  The same goes for all the others
-  The sexual relations between consenting adults...
-  The shipbuilding industry...
-  The shit is going to hit the fan!
-  The shop on the corner
-  The shops have been besieged!
-  The shorter a joke, the better it is
-  the Silk Road
-  The situation is quite worrying
-  The sixth-form colleges...
-  The sky is the limit
-  The slightest thing frightens her!
-  The slightest thing frightens him!
-  The slightest thing frightens it!
-  The snake charmer sings to charm snakes
-  The sooner, the better
-  The speed limit is...
-  The speed limit is 50 km/h in built-up areas
-  The speedometer of a vehicle...
-  The stores have been besieged!
-  The subject of the photo is off-center
-  The subject of the photo is off-centre
-  The subscription lasts till...
-  The sun is beating down!
-  The sun is really hot!
-  The sun rises in the east
-  The sun sets in the west
-  The Swiss Confederation...
-  The symptoms of a stroke...
-  The team is at the bottom of the league
-  The testimonies contradict each other
-  The town has some very beautiful parks
-  The train is coming into the station
-  The two things go hand in hand
-  The upper middle-class families...
-  The use of the coordinating conjunction...
-  The wall is shared by the two houses
-  The water came right up to our hips!
-  The water came up to our knees!
-  The water comes in through this hole
-  The water is warm!
-  The weather has got milder
-  The weather is changing for the worse
-  The weather is lousy!
-  The weather is nice, which I like!
-  the whisky trail
-  The whole group worked closely together
-  The whole kit and caboodle
-  The whole shebang
-  The whole shooting match
-  The wind is strong enough to blow you away
-  the wind is turning
-  The wind was getting even stronger
-  the wine trail

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depuis 2017




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